Am now drinking zeylon tea and I have a few more hours to spend before I have to go to sleep. :) Today is for relaxing; tomorrow is work (in two different jobs --phuuuu). But I'll manage... As always!!
Some pages I did today. I made them with the new acrylic colors and markers I bought today...

Three journals.
The big red one is lined, but the paper is a bit thick. Am planning to use it for some kind of glue-book or diary. I love writing in that one and adding small collages.
The big tourquise one is my Visual/art Journal (where I use gesso, acrylics, rubber stamps, collage etc). -It is my favourite... it has blank, thick pages; and it can easily lay flat; which makes it easier to journal in it..
...and the small red one (at the bottom) is the one that is mostly like a diary. I also keep some lists there and some other things (like quotes, poems etc) that I feel like writing down...