This is a page from my handsewn "Crap Journal". It was made some time late in March..
I used various paper for collage and painted with acrylic paint. The cat was colored with water-soluble wax pastels from Caran D'ache.
It is not especially pretty this page...
...but isn't it kind of funny how you can let your mind rest and things happen coincidentally when you are in the "flow" of creating.
I never planned for the cat and the text on that page, it all happened unintentionally. Sometimes I think it is my unconsciousness trying to tell me something. I know I've wanted a cat in my life again since the day I was 11 years old and had to part with the cat I'd had in my life for 9 years. That was the saddest moment for me...! kind of like losing my best friend.

Thank you Universe!!!
I love you