They are just passing by so fast, I almost have trouble keeping up.
It is time for a blog update; that's for sure!!
and really...; I need to put my mind on something else right now. Something that is not about school (and writing my Master thesis); and something to take thoughts away from stress and problem and making big decisions and stuff... To let it rest.
The following pictures were taken some time ago.
I feel like it is time to share them with you!
This is from last Saturday, spending some time with Kali and her kitties and a bottle of wine
This is Luna and Gizmo (?)... Aren't they the CUTEST?

and this is Tequila Sunrise (Tequila for short)... She is such a cool cat...

and Lille (little) below...

Shakin` hands

Luna and Gizmo again...

enough kitty love.....
Time for January Journal pages...!!